Friday, 18 December 2009

16, Suez Street


  1. Hi Dave - I think I'm going mad - I'm sure I left a comment on your last post in which I let you know that your blog has just gone live... or maybe I dreamed it?

    so please follow this link

    Also - and I'm sure Alan will pop up and say something similar, but are your bricks a bit too pristine? It's the 'Black Country' grime factor again - also, it does seem as if all the bricks have all their edges and their corners still - I know this is very picky - considering the scale and ambition of everything you're trying to achieve (you're trying to make a cg boy act, and all your tutor can bang on about is the bricks!), but the 'world' of your story is so evocative and so central, I can't not go for the details; there's something too about the way all the various surfaces meet that looks to antiseptic; in theatre land, someone would be running a paintbrush of grime into all those nooks and crannies -where the dirt collects - just to soften everything down a bit; the door texture is very sensitively created. At risk of pushing my luck, could you post some 'behind the scenes' content - i.e. layouts of your textures - some screen shots of the model in its most basic state - something to 'unpack' the finished environments; it's for the first years benefit, because I want them to appreciate the level of nuance and detail you're putting in, and the problem with such nice looking stuff is that the work can sometimes be under-appreciated.

    Anyhow - your blog is a shopwindow now - so, I'd publish your workflow for the benefit of all and sundry - don't be too mysterious, Dave - I know what your dad said about 'holding something back' - but there's a middle road... :-)

  2. hi phill, sorted the bricks. that was my last scene to finish, going to start animating now finaly. ive gone live! game on. ill find some time to sort my blog out. also what is the other pdf doc we have to hand in?

  3. Hi Dave - the 'pdf' is simply a 'making of' - a tidier, more crystallised version of your blog, in which you take your reader from the inception of the project to its resolution - a 'behind the scenes' document. Wow - animating - well done, Dave! :-)

  4. Hi Dave,

    Errr...a minor picky comment. Doors are generally made out of a series of pieces of wood. At the moment you have one lump. An easy fix...cut/paste/rotate/flip key areas such as the inner panels.


  5. how the hell did I find this?
