Saturday, 21 November 2009

Welcome To The Black Country - Environment Modeling


  1. Hey Dave - and so your world begins to take shape... The first years will start their own 'digital environment' unit after their crit on Friday - I was wondering then, if you'd mind too much if I pointed the first year at your blog, as it would be good for them to see someone 'in action' - no pressure then, but it would be great if you could make your posts re. modeling/texturing/lighting etc as comprehensive and 'behind the scenes' as possible.. let me know if you are agreeable!

    Also, alongside the next unit I'm going to be showing a programme of movies exploring 'The Unhomely' - with films ranging from the original Invasion of the Body-Snatchers to the original 'Halloween' - I'll give you the titles, times and locations, so you can mosy along if you need a break from the black country... See you soon.

    Oh yeah - and I want Timothy Winters to be absolutely wonderful, so do whatever it takes to achieve cg-magic (again - no pressure).

    In the meantime - remember to rest and take your vitamins - and that goes for that Scarlino character too! :-)

  2. yeah thats cool with me, ill start my write ups on my posts. my enviroments are comin along but slower than i expected, gonna get them all finished by the end of the week for certain. and yeah, any films you think ill like then let me no, i think you have me sussed on the ones i will like, and ill drag the scarlino down too. see you soon
